Why be Discouraged?

Why be Discouraged?

Many times you have allowed discouragement to come into your life and become despondent because some prayers you have prayed over the years have not been answered yet. You are now in danger of giving up and fainting by the wayside.

Should you give up, stop trying, and quit praying, what would you go back to? What would you do instead? Would you be better off? The only thing you would go back to is a life of unbelief, bitterness, and disillusionment. Is that what you really want?

Look at the worst-case scenario: while you pray, believe and stand in faith for needed changes, what if you lived your whole life and didn’t see the answer. Would you be worse off for having spent your life living in faith? No! You would have had a profitable life, lived to the fullest extent.

Many of my prophets in the Old Covenant knew the promises I made, but they died never having received those promises—but they died in faith. Even though they did not see everything I promised come to pass, because they lived in faith, not despondency or discouragement, their lives affected whole nations and consequently changed the course of history.

You will certainly see the things I have promised you come to pass, but in the meantime, before those seasons roll around, don’t be weary in well doing. Don’t buy the lie that there is any merit in discouragement or despondency. Those attitudes will instead facilitate Satan’s plan and stop mine.

So at every juncture where discouragement is an option, choose instead long-suffering or patience. They will undergird your faith and form a bridge over any dangers those trials might bring. Then you can continue confidently on your way, walking in victory and steadily progressing toward the fulfillment of your promise.

Walking in the Light

Walking in the Light